Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome to a blog of wild speculation regarding the work of Stanley Kubrick

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Synchronicity or The Great Kubrick Konspiracy...

 My Journey to Somerton

The purpose of this blog is to enjoy some wild speculation regarding hidden messages in the films of Stanley Kubrick. It is meant to be fun and not taken too seriously.
   I had been a fan of Stanley Kubrick since my brother took me to see 2001 a space Odyssey when it 1st came out. I recall the movie ending and my senses and young mind were completely overwhelmed. I can’t recall a movie that made me feel the same way before or since
   I highly recommend going to for Jay’s articles particulary Alchemical Kubrick, then go to to purchase at the least the 1st film, Kubrick’s Odyssey. Weidner intends for this to be a trilogy and at this writing has released the 1st two installments. I prefer the 1st one because it casts a wider net whereas the 2nd focuses exclusively on 2001 and will not appeal to as broad an audience though I do feel they are equally brilliant.
   Weidner’s take is that there is a hidden message, beyond the artistic themes in Kubrick’s work. This is not new and everyone has there own take on what Stanley was trying to say. I also recommend the documentary Room 237 (
For my part, I don’t care which if any of the theories you buy into or if you disbelieve all of them. This blog or whatever is merely to share my mad speculations involving Kubrick’s films in general and Eyes Wide Shut in particular.
And if you think I’m crazy (and I am, make no mistake) then check out this site.
It is brilliant and takes Kubricism to a whole new level. (Trademarking Kubricism)

   Fear and Desire

    So long story a little less long, I had been searching for hidden meanings in Eyes Wide Shut ala Weidner and others.     I was versed in many of the more familiar points made regarding the imagery:
·         The character Szandor Szavost represents George Soros (maybe, maybe not but more on that later)
·         The character Ziegler, German for brick layer.  A ‘mason’ if you will.
·         The ‘rainbow’ references are meant to show Monarch Trauma based Mind Control - ala Brice Taylor, Cathy O’Brien and Candy Jones for those who who roll old school (if that’s not a term, then I’m making it one now.)
·         The orgy scene represents the Satanic elite who control the world
·         Nicole Kidman’s character represents Hillary Clinton (ok, I made that one up…)
·         The character Mandy refers to the Barry Manilow song which is really about Satan worship (…and that one too)
·         The Milich Costume shop scene with Leelee Sobieski represents an acutal scene with Zbigniew Brzezinski manipulating some Japanese and Chinese diplomats courtesy of his young (at the time) daughter Mika. The character Milich has an Eastern European accent. In the original script, the character’s name was Gibson. I can’t remember whose theory this was, I recall hearing it on a radio show.
·         The outer model for the Somerton mansion was the Rothschild mansion, Mentmore Towers. Also used in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins. (Highly recommend it, there’s a secret society whose duty is to periodically oversee the destruction of society so that a new and better society can be born.) Fyi, the interior shots of Somerton are from Elveden Hall.
·         The film referred to Scientology with the use of Cruise and Kidman. Kidman’s seduction by fantasy with the naval officer (L.Ron Hubbard)and the ‘dire consequences for you and your family’ from Red Cloak referring to Kubrick’s sudden death and the estrangement of his daughter who became a Scientologist.
You get the idea. There’s plenty on the web in general and Youtube in particular if you want to dive deeper.

This from summarizes it all
One of the more outlandish conspiracy theories holds that Stanley Kubrick was killed by the Illuminati for revealing too much about the secret society in his final film Eyes Wide Shut. While the official cause of death was listed as cardiac arrest (certainly not shocking for a 70 year-old man), some conspiracists point to the preponderance of Illuminati symbolism in his films, his clean bill of health prior to dying, and the strange editorial takeover of the film before its release as evidence there was more going on here than meets the eye.
Believers of this theory, many of whom also believe that Kubrick was enlisted by the US government to produce the faked moon landings, view the prevalence of Illuminati symbols in his films as more than just the result of unconscious archetypes. They are evidence that Kubrick himself was a part of the Illuminati, and was using his films as a vehicle for communication with outsiders, as way to reveal the existence of a globalist synarchy. Indeed, many if not all of his films--including The Shining, 2001, and A Clockwork Orange--are full of Illuminati symbols, most notably the one eye symbol. The ubiquitous one eye symbol and the pyramid shape are often pointed to in popular culture as evidence that the world's major celebrities are puppets of the Illuminati. But if Kubrick's body of work is rife with Illuminati symbolism, his final film Eyes Wide Shut is the climax. Not only is this film about a mysterious, perhaps murderous, secret society, it is drenched in allusions to the New World Order cabal. Occult symbols like the pentagram can be found throughout the film, as well as multiple references to rainbows and looking glasses, which are notoriously used to evoke The Wizard of Oz and the cultural brainwashing of MKULTRA and other CIA operations.
In another anecdotal connection, the film's costume store called the Rainbow is actually across the street from a Masonic lodge. The secret society in the film is often compared to the Masons, as they have both been associated with ritualized sex magic orgies in which human blood is sacrificed. This association is also frequently tied to Satanism and pedophilia, both of which are alluded to in the film. There is even a character named after the creator of the Church of Satan, Anton Sandor LaVey; and the Rainbow store owner's underage daughter is depicted as a prostitute to rich men. Eyes Wide Shut, the phrase itself, is a calling card among secret societies, meaning 'my eyes are shut to your misdeeds, brother.' This anonymity is required of the participants, otherwise the society's moneyed elite would be revealed. For as one character in the film says, "If I told you their names I don't think you'd sleep so well."
Perhaps the most eyebrow-raising evidence for Kubrick being murdered by the Illuminati is the events surrounding his death. Kubrick had no history of heart disease in his family and was very healthy prior to his passing. More importantly, he died only days after submitting the first cut of the film to Warner Brothers. At this point, the film was commandeered by Warner Brothers and heavily edited. At the time, the editing was attributed to the need to mask out the hardcore sex shots in the orgy sequence. Yet edits to the film regarding sexuality were very minor. It's hard to believe that so much energy would be invested into editing images that displayed sexual deviance no more lascivious than the vast majority of Hollywood films. Is it possible that this scene and others originally contained images and/or dialogue that illuminated the New World Order in a way that was dangerous to their privacy? Was Kubrick trying to out the secret society, or at least toy with their heads?
Regardless, it is worth noting that Stanley Kubrick's wife has gone on record at least once claiming she doesn't believe Kubrick died from a heart attack. So perhaps it is no coincidence that Kubrick passed exactly 666 days before January 1, 2001 — the first day of the year in which his most famous film takes place.
    After listening to Weidner on Red Ice Radio tying in themes from The Shining, 2001 and Eyes Wide Shut,  I got the idea in my head that Somerton (the orgy mansion) was a key to… well something. 
    I’ve read of the kabbalah and was familiar with the concept of gematria or letter/number substitution.  This involves taking the letters of a word, substituting numbers for the letters (some ancient alphabets like Hebrew and Greek also served as the number system), adding the values and then finding other words with the same value. So like ‘God’ and ‘Devil’ might have the same value and give you that ‘sound of one hand clapping’ Zen overload sensation.
Well, I plugged Somerton into the Hebrew gematria calculator at and got a value of 1149, the same as Washington
BTW, there’s an awesome kabbalistic numerology calculator at
Type in George Soros and click the ‘Self’ button. It gives a mostly positive result for a guy who is a mutlibillionaire whose actions influence the world economy. All except the part about “prone to …dominating and even denying the value of others.”
   So back to the madness,  I was hooked I went on endless searches and found a lot of useless material like:
·         The mansion in the Dutroux Affair, Chateau Amerois (Google this, truly terrifying stuff. Also if you can buy a copy of Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill, excellent summary of the Dutroux Affair) was originally owned by royalty related to the British royals (Recall the character in EWS, Nuala Windsor…)
·         There’s a famous Somerton turf maze in the UK, (Hold on! There’s a hedge maze in the movie The Shining, which is not in the book!)
·         When Harford is driving back to Somerton, he takes exit 39 to Glen Cove which leads to a series of historic mansions commonly referred to as the Gold Coast (hey, wasn’t there a Gold Room in The Shining?)
·         One of these mansions has been converted into a Holocaust Museum (hey, didn’t someone think  The Shining was an allegory for the Holocaust?)

Then there’s Milton Keynes.

 Now, if you’ve seen Eyes Wide Shut then you’re familiar with this guy:

Now, check out this sculpture in the town of Milton Keynes in England:

It’s part of a sculpture called Dangerous Liaisons by Philip Jackson from 1995. Four years before EWS.

    Coincidence? Maybe, I prefer synchronicity. BTW, in the original EWS script, the mansion wasn’t called Somerton. It was called Bletchley Manor.
In the town of Milton Keynes is a landmark called Bletchley Park.
It houses a historical mansion, Bletchley Mansion, famous as the WWII home of the British Intelligence code breakers who broke the Nazi code.
   So Bletchley is Somerton and EWS is about corruption in MI5 during the Cold War? 
Maybe, I've always felt the in Kubrick films in general and EWS specifically, it was mainly about the visual images, not the plot or dialogue. 

Anyway, enough for now.

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