Friday, May 5, 2017

There's nothing to this... The House of de Medici, a pictorial interlude

A Whimsical Interlude because there can't be anything to this... Right?

Kubrick's use of colors in EWS is stunning.

The use of Red:


and Yellow:

are simply stunning.

I also enjoy the symbolism of the Fleur de Lis on blue wallpaper:

Google "Eyes Wide Shut" and Fleur de Lis

The Coat of Arms of the House of dei Medici: 

By ScolopendraJazz - Stemma dei Medici Stemma dei Medici Stemma dei Medici, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The House of de Medici is a topic way beyond the scope of this blog and my humble abilities. Let us suffice to say they were among many other things, they were a great banking family, patrons of the Renaissance.

The masks in EWS were Venetian.

In addition to being a Beethoven opera and the Latin word for faithful, it was a journal for Lyndon LaRouche -

A pdf of an article by Webster Tarpley on the Schiller Institute site is entitled "Venice's War against Western Civilization."

The opening paragraph states:

"The British royal family of today typifies the
Venetian Party, and continues the outlook and
methods of an oligarchical faction which can be
traced far back into the ancient world."

Dr. Bill meeting Nuala Windsor...

From Wikipedia:

"Over the next two decades, the Medici Bank opened branches in Rome, Geneva, Venice, and temporarily in Naples..."

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