Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Viddy well my brothers... Viddy well - More Peels from the MK-Orange

  A Clockwork Ultra

  On the surface, PWS (pre-wild speculation) A Clockwork Orange is a film masterpiece based on the book by Anthony Burgess about a youth culture violence in a near future society. The main character, Alex DeLarge leads a violent gang that rapes and beats it's way through life until he's caught, entered in an experimental rehabilitation project. In the British version of the book, there is a final chapter where Alex eventually matures enough to regret his violent, lawless youth.
   I once found a discussion board which attempted to answer what was the meaning of the film. I recall the Kubrick was mentioned only in passing while the majority of focus was on the book. Much speculation was around Burgess searching for meaning after he and his wife were assaulted in a home invasion.

I don't know if that is true. I should also mention I haven't read the book.

   Now, I will commence with the wild speculation, utilizing the works of Kubrick, Miles Mathis and Adam Gorightly. All inaccuracies and conclusions are mine, and I refer you to works of these individuals on their own merit, not on my interpretation. I'm obviously not in their league as researchers or writers.

Also, here's link to a great article regarding the book and film by Theodore Dalrymple:


The Act, the Masks, the 'Shadows in the Mirror' 

McDowell stated "If Kubrick hadn't been a film director he'd have been a General Chief of Staff of the US Forces. No matter what it is—even if it's a question of buying a shampoo it goes through him. He just likes total control." 
Filming took place between September 1970 and April 1971, making A Clockwork Orange the quickest film shoot in his career. - Wikipedia  (emphasis mine)


Examples of Eyes Wide ...

My speculation begins with the correlation of the film with the Manson Family murders.

Miles Mathis regarding Paul Tate:

"In 1959, the Tates moved to (Cafe?- FN)Verona, Italy, where Paul Tate was stationed at Passalacqua, the headquarters for SETAF (Southern European Task Force). This links him to Operation Gladio. General Maletti—commander of Italian military intelligence at the time of the Tate murders—later testified in court that the CIA had been involved in many false flag operations in Italy and Europe, including murders and bombings, “for the purpose of creating an Italian nationalism that was capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left.” Sound familiar? Maletti added, “Don't forget that Nixon was in charge and Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician but a man of rather unorthodox initiatives.” Nixon was in charge in 1969, but Operation Gladio had been instituted by Allen Dulles much earlier, and it was financed in large part by the US, through the CIA, which Dulles led under Eisenhower and Kennedy (1953 to late 1961). The Operation kicked into high gear in the late 50's to counter growing “leftist” movements, especially in Italy. We must assume that is why Paul Tate was in Verona in 1959 with his family. Paul Tate was not just military, he was a colonel in intelligence, which indicates he was probably involved in Gladio."

Manson 69 - 70 CWO - 71

Sharon Tate and Slim Pickens:

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